Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology
Flume Damage


Earthquake Preparedness  
Emergency Preparedness
General Information
Supporting Publications
How to Contribute

To learn how to prepare for an earthquake, the following Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology publications are available for free download below, or for sale at the Publications Sales Office and the NBMG website.

Living With Earthquakes in Nevada (NBMG SP27) (.pdf)

Earthquakes in Nevada and How to Survive them (NBMG E-16) (.pdf)

Terremotos en Nevada y Como Sobrevivirlos (NBMG E-27) (.pdf)

Make sure you know the steps to earthquake safety!

Download the Steps to Earthquake Safety flyer (.pdf)
and display at your home or workplace.

bulletDROP, COVER and HOLD during an earthquake. Identify safety spots at home and work. Don't panic and run; stay inside.

bulletIdentify and secure or relocate shaking hazards. Bookcases, heavy objects on shelves, mirrors, computers, water heaters. Secure, relocate, replace, or remove dangerous and valuable objects.

bulletPrepare an emergency safety kit. Flashlight, first aid kit, water, non-perishable food, blanket.

bulletMake an earthquake plan. Family meeting plans, out-of-town telephone contact.

bulletWork on long-term earthquake fixes. Bolt house to foundation. Brace weak walls and cripple walls.

bulletGet earthquake information. Visit an earthquake safety website, and "Living with Earthquakes in Nevada,"



Do you know how to protect
yourself during earthquakes?

Download NBMG SP27 Living with Earthquakes in Nevada to learn how
to 'Beat the Quake'!

Beat the Quake!

Share your experience!
Want to share stories and see photos of the Mogul-Somersett earthquake swarm? Stay tuned... coming soon.

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Please consider all reports and photo labels preliminary.  They are intended to help scientists, engineers, and emergency managers in their earthquake response and recovery efforts.  They have not been edited or reviewed by peers, as will be done for fully published reports.
contact the webmaster
last updated: December 13, 2019 5:51 PM

Nevada Earthquake Safety Council